
Learndash AI Quiz Generator

Are you tired of spending hours upon hours struggling to come up with quiz questions and answers?

Well, I’ve got great news for you! Together, you and I can make quiz creation a breeze with the help of a plugin I’ve developed. Harnessing the power of AI, we can wave goodbye to the time-consuming and frustrating task of quiz creation.

In this video, I’ll walk you through the simple process of using our plugin. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to generate tailored quizzes for any topic, skill level, or complexity of your choice. No more feeling stuck or running out of ideas. Let’s let the AI do the heavy lifting while we focus on delivering effective quizzes that engage and test our learners’ knowledge.

Join me as we dive into the next video, where I’ll guide you step by step on how to install and use the plugin. It’s a simple process that will have you creating amazing quizzes in no time.

Video 1: Install & Configure The Plugin


In this video, you will learn how to set up the LearnDash QuizMaker AI tool and plugin.

You will need to download the plugin and install it on your WordPress site. Once you have the plugin, I recommend testing it on a staging instance to avoid compatibility issues.

You will also need to get an API key from OpenAI, which is easy to do by creating an OpenAI account and clicking on “view API keys.”

After getting the API key, you can paste it into the LearnDash QuizMaker page and then give your quiz a title, topic, quiz complexity, and quiz tone.

You can generate questions, modify them, and save the quiz. In the LearnDash Builder, you can modify the quiz, associate it with a course, and set passing scores and certificates.

I encourage you to experiment with the different quiz tones and additional instructions to get the best results.

Download Plugin

Video 2: Additional Tip & Tricks


In this video, we are going to go through and share some tips and thoughts based on our experiences using different AI tools like ChatGPT, OpenAI, and even Mid Journey for gamification in WordPress.

We will show you how you can modify different parameters like the complexity, tone, and additional instructions to get different responses from the AI tools. For example, we can set the title as “complex gamification concepts” and use words like easy, beginner, difficult, or challenging to vary the complexity of the generated questions.

We can also play around with the tone of the quiz, using words like engaging, informative, funny, quirky, or witty. We can even use people’s names like Dr. Seuss, Jim Carrey, Homer Simpson, or Peter Griffin to add a personal touch and get a different response from the AI.

It’s important to note that while the AI can generate convincing responses, we still need to fact-check them and be the expert in the subject matter.

Have fun experimenting with different quiz parameters and if you encounter any issues with the plugin, let us know. We’ll continue to improve it and make it even better for you.

Here are some Quiz Tones to try out:

  • Informative – providing factual information in a clear and concise manner.
  • Engaging – making the content interesting and appealing to the audience.
  • Playful – using humor and lighthearted language to create a fun and entertaining experience.
  • Authoritative – speaking with confidence and expertise to establish credibility and trustworthiness.
  • Conversational – using a friendly and approachable tone to connect with the audience.
  • Persuasive – using language and examples to convince the audience of a particular viewpoint.
  • Educational – focusing on teaching and imparting knowledge to the audience.
  • Serious – using a somber and respectful tone for more weighty topics.
  • Quirky – adding unexpected and unconventional elements to keep the audience engaged.
  • Challenging – using questions or statements that require the audience to think critically and solve problems.
  • Energetic – using enthusiastic and dynamic language to create a sense of excitement and momentum.
  • Encouraging – using positive language to motivate and inspire the audience.
  • Nostalgic – evoking feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality through language and references to the past.
  • Reflective – encouraging the audience to think deeply and introspectively about a topic.
  • Empathetic – using language that acknowledges and validates the audience’s emotions and experiences.
  • Provocative – using language that challenges assumptions and pushes the audience to consider new perspectives.
  • Descriptive – painting a vivid picture with language to create a sensory experience for the audience.
  • Inspirational – using language and examples to inspire the audience to take action or pursue their dreams.
  • Humorous – using witty language and jokes to create a light and entertaining atmosphere.
  • Personal – using language and anecdotes that are relatable and connect with the audience on a personal level.

Here are some Quiz Complexities to try out:

  • Easy – questions that are simple and straightforward, requiring minimal knowledge or critical thinking.
  • Medium – questions that require some thought or knowledge, but are not overly challenging.
  • Difficult – questions that are challenging and require significant knowledge or critical thinking to answer correctly.
  • Beginner – questions that are aimed at someone who is just starting to learn about a particular topic.
  • Intermediate – questions that require a moderate level of knowledge and understanding of a topic.
  • Expert – questions that are aimed at someone who is highly knowledgeable and experienced in a particular subject or field.
  • Basic – questions that cover fundamental concepts and principles related to a topic.
  • Advanced – questions that require a deep understanding of complex topics or theories.
  • Trivia – questions that are fun and interesting but don’t require much in-depth knowledge or critical thinking.
  • Numerical – questions that involve mathematical calculations or require a numerical answer.
  • Vocabulary – questions that test the audience’s understanding of specific words or terms related to a topic.
  • Interpretive – questions that require the audience to analyze and interpret data, texts, or other information.
  • Comparative – questions that ask the audience to compare and contrast different ideas or concepts.